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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Manufacturing and production systems - FE Industrial Engineering module

This part counts 13% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.

1. Manufacturing systems.
   This section includes cellular, group technology, flexible, and lean.
2. Process design.
   This section includes number of machines and people, equipment selection, and line balancing.

3. Inventory analysis.
   This section includes EOQ and safety stock.

4. Forecasting.

5. Scheduling.
   This section includes sequencing, cycle time, and material control.

6. Aggregate planning.
   This section includes JIT, MRP, MRPII, and ERP.

7. Concurrent engineering and design for manufacturing.

8. Automation concepts.
   This section includes robotics and CIM.

9. Economics.
   This section includes profits and cost under various demand rates and machine selection.

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