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Monday, September 24, 2012

Circuits - FE Electrical Engineering module

This part counts 16% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.

  • Basic electrical units;
    • Coulombs - charge
    • Volts - voltage
    • Amperse - current
    • Ohms - resistance and impedance
  • Electrostatics
    • Force between two chartges
    • Electric field intensity
      • point
      • line
      • sheet
    • Electric flux density - Gauss' Law
    • Work done by external agent
  • Voltage
  • Current
    • constant current
    • vector current
  • Resistivity
    • Ohm's Law
  • Magnetic fields
  • Induced voltage

1. KCL, KVL.
2. Series and parallel equivalent circuits.

3. Node and loop analysis.

4. Thevenin and Norton theorems.

5. Impedance.

6. Transfer functions.

7. Frequency and transient response.

8. Resonance.

9. Laplace transforms.

10. 2-port theory.

11. Filters

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