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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Electricity and Magnetism skills for FE EI EIT exam

This part takes 9% of morning points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
     ------------------------------------                ---------------------------------
        Math   Porb  Chem  Comp                          Chemical     Civil     EE
        Eth  Econ  Mech  Mat  Fluid                       Environmental    Industrial
        EE  Mech   Ther                                              Mechanics    Others
1. Charge, energy, current, voltage, power.
  • Method of Charging
  •  Electric Field
  •  Force between Charge
  •  Columb's Law
  •  Voltage
  •  Current
  •  Resistor
2. Work done in moving a charge in an electric field. this is about relationship between voltage and work.
3. Force between charges.
4. Current and voltage laws. this is about Kirchhoff law, and Ohm law.
   Current = voltage / resistance;
5. Equivalent circuits. this is about series, parallel.
    Series: I1 = I2 = I3;
    Parallel: V1 = V2 = V3;
6. Capacitance and inductance.
7. Reactance and impedance, susceptance and admittance.
8. AC circuits.
9. Basic complex algebra.
  Ohm's Law
 Kirchhoff's Current Law
 Kirchhoff's Voltage Law
 Voltage Division
 Current Division
 Thevenin & Norton
 RLC Steady State
 DC Machine
 AC Machine-Synchronous
 Fourier Series
 Wheatstone Bridge
Node-Voltage Method
 Mesh-Current Method
 Source Transformation
 Superposition Law
 Maximum Power
 RC and RL (DC)
 Sinusoidal Voltage
 Basic Complex algebra
 Average Value
 Effective or RMS Values
 AC Circuit
 Resonance Frequency (RLC Parallel & Series)
 AC Power
 Balance Three-Phase
 Operational Amplifier
 Bridge Rectifier

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