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Monday, September 10, 2012

Computer skills for FE EI EIT exam

This part takes 7% of morning points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.


1. Terminology.
    This section is about memory types, CPU, baud rates, Internet.
    People today knows more about computer related terms than decades ago. There are not only desktop computers and laptop, but also mobile devices which have the same power of PC.

2. Spreadsheets.
    This section is about addresses, interpretation, if condition, copying formulas.
    The spreadsheet is very essential in many business. It is a very powerful tool to record, calculate the data.

3. Structured programming.
    This section is about assignments, loops and branches, and function calls.

    Programming languages are varied dependent on the computer systems, Windows, Unix, Linux, and many more. Even the key words and formats are not same in each programming language, but the basic rules and logic are similar.

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