1. Axial member and axial force.
2. Trusses.
Wood truss is the most popular structure in residential houses in America. Metal truss is used in school, business center, and stores.
3. Zero force member.
Member does not have any force running through it. If it is removed from structure, the analysis results on the rest members will not be changed.
4. Method of joints.
5. Method of sections.
6. Superposition of loads.
7. Transverse truss.
8. Two dimensional mechanics.
9. Three dimensional equilibrium.
To become an engineer, you have to be in or graduated from ABET accredited engineering or engineering technology program first. Then, you need pass the FE (Fundamental of Engineering) exam. The last, you have to pass the P.E. (Professional Engineer) exam. This blog will cover what you should know in order to pass FE exam. You can check which one you know, and which one you need to improve. Have fun!
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In surveying, trigonometry is fundamental math. It is used to determine angle, distance, height, location. 1. The three basic functions ar...
1. Internal and external forces. 2. Concentrated forces and distributed forces. 3. Moments and components of moment. 4. Moment about a...
FE exam is a eight-hour exam. Four hours in the morning is for everybody. There are 120 questions. Four hours in the afternoon is for your i...
This part counts 10% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision. 1. Mathematical fundame...
This part takes 7% of morning points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision. FE Morning Math...
This part takes 7% of morning points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision. ...
Math is 15% of morning points. It is base of the engineering. You have to be good at math in order to be a good engineer. ...
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Monday, October 15, 2012
FE - Equilibrium - Statics - Engineering mechanics
1. Force systems.
2. Condition of equilibrium.
3. Two force member.
4. Three force member.
5. Reactions.
6. Determinacy.
7. Determinate beams.
8. Free-body diagrams.
9. Level, pulley, and hinges.
2. Condition of equilibrium.
3. Two force member.
4. Three force member.
5. Reactions.
6. Determinacy.
7. Determinate beams.
8. Free-body diagrams.
9. Level, pulley, and hinges.
Sunday, October 14, 2012
FE - Force system - Statics - Engineering mechanics
1. Internal and external forces.
2. Concentrated forces and distributed forces.
3. Moments and components of moment.
4. Moment about a point and a line.
5. Couples.
When two forces are in the same plane, if they are not in the same line, if they are parallel, and if they point to opposite directions, they are a force couple.
6. Equivalence of force and couple system.
2. Concentrated forces and distributed forces.
3. Moments and components of moment.
4. Moment about a point and a line.
5. Couples.
When two forces are in the same plane, if they are not in the same line, if they are parallel, and if they point to opposite directions, they are a force couple.
6. Equivalence of force and couple system.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
FE - Energy, work, and power - Dynamics - Engineering mechanics
1. Energy of mass.
When mass have been moved with different speed or changed direction, energy will be added or removed from mass.
2. Work.
3. Power.
4. Potential energy.
5. Kinetic energy.
6. Spring energy.
7. Pressure energy.
8. Work energy relationship.
9. Law of conservation of energy.
10. Energy conversion.
When mass have been moved with different speed or changed direction, energy will be added or removed from mass.
2. Work.
3. Power.
4. Potential energy.
5. Kinetic energy.
6. Spring energy.
7. Pressure energy.
8. Work energy relationship.
9. Law of conservation of energy.
10. Energy conversion.
Friday, October 12, 2012
FE - Fluid measurement - Fluid mechanics
1. Pressure measuring devices.
2. Barometers.
3. Manometers.
4. Pitot tube.
2. Barometers.
3. Manometers.
4. Pitot tube.
FE - Fluid energy and flow - Fluid mechanics
1. Fluid energy unit.
2. Kinetic energy.
3. Potential energy.
4. Pressure energy.
5. Impact energy.
6. Specific energy.
7. Energy grade line.
8. Laminar flow.
9. Turbulent flow.
10. Critical flow.
2. Kinetic energy.
3. Potential energy.
4. Pressure energy.
5. Impact energy.
6. Specific energy.
7. Energy grade line.
8. Laminar flow.
9. Turbulent flow.
10. Critical flow.
FE - Fluid statics - Fluid mechanics
1. Hydrostatic pressure.
2. Horizontal plane surface pressure.
3. Vertical plane surface pressure.
4. General plane surface pressure.
5. Curved and compound surface pressure.
6. Compressible fluid pressure.
7. Buoyancy and stability of floating objects.
2. Horizontal plane surface pressure.
3. Vertical plane surface pressure.
4. General plane surface pressure.
5. Curved and compound surface pressure.
6. Compressible fluid pressure.
7. Buoyancy and stability of floating objects.
FE - Fluid properties - Fluid mechanics
1. Characteristics of fluid.
2. Types of fluid.
3. Density, specific gravity, and specific weight.
4. Viscosity and kinematic viscosity.
5. Vapor pressure and osmotic pressure.
6. Capillary action and surface tension.
7. Compressibility.
8. Bulk modulus.
9. Speed of sound in fluid.
2. Types of fluid.
3. Density, specific gravity, and specific weight.
4. Viscosity and kinematic viscosity.
5. Vapor pressure and osmotic pressure.
6. Capillary action and surface tension.
7. Compressibility.
8. Bulk modulus.
9. Speed of sound in fluid.
FE - Pipe and pipe system - Fluid mechanics
1. Fluid velocity distribution in pipe.
2. Stresses in thin-walled tanks.
3. Pipe materials and sizes.
4. Water hammer.
5. Series pipe system.
6. Parallel pipe system.
2. Stresses in thin-walled tanks.
3. Pipe materials and sizes.
4. Water hammer.
5. Series pipe system.
6. Parallel pipe system.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
FE- Uncertainty - Engineering economic analysis
1. Forecasting.
2. Sensitivity analysis.
3. Expected value.
4. risk.
2. Sensitivity analysis.
3. Expected value.
4. risk.
FE- Analysis - Engineering economic analysis
1. Break-even analysis.
2. Pay-back period.
3. Management goal.
2. Pay-back period.
3. Management goal.
FE- Cost - Engineering economic analysis
1. Opportunity cost.
2. Salvage value.
3. life cycle cost.
4. Book value.
5. Fix and variable costs.
6. Cost of goods.
7. Inflation.
8. Amortization.
9. Depletion.
10. Depreciation recovery.
11. Consumer loans.
12. Tax consideration.
2. Salvage value.
3. life cycle cost.
4. Book value.
5. Fix and variable costs.
6. Cost of goods.
7. Inflation.
8. Amortization.
9. Depletion.
10. Depreciation recovery.
11. Consumer loans.
12. Tax consideration.
FE- Cash flow - Engineering economic analysis
1. Cash flow diagrams.
2. Cash flow types.
3. Cash flow factors.
4. Single payment equivalence.
5. Rate of return.
6. Simple and compound interests.
7. Investment durations.
8. Interest rate and period.
2. Cash flow types.
3. Cash flow factors.
4. Single payment equivalence.
5. Rate of return.
6. Simple and compound interests.
7. Investment durations.
8. Interest rate and period.
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
FE - Engineering - Probability and statistics
1. Set theory.
2. Combinations and permutations.
3. Probability theory.
4. Joint probability.
5. Complementary probability.
6. Conditional probability.
7. Possion distribution.
8. Continuous distribution.
9. Exponential distribution.
10. Normal distribution.
11. Binomial distribution.
12. Hypergeometric distribution.
13. Analysis of experimental data.
14. Central limit theory.
15. Confidence level.
16. Linear regression.
2. Combinations and permutations.
3. Probability theory.
4. Joint probability.
5. Complementary probability.
6. Conditional probability.
7. Possion distribution.
8. Continuous distribution.
9. Exponential distribution.
10. Normal distribution.
11. Binomial distribution.
12. Hypergeometric distribution.
13. Analysis of experimental data.
14. Central limit theory.
15. Confidence level.
16. Linear regression.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
FE - Math - Number system
1. Binary number system.
2. Octal number system.
3. Hex number system.
4. Conversions among number systems.
5. Computer arithmetic.
2. Octal number system.
3. Hex number system.
4. Conversions among number systems.
5. Computer arithmetic.
FE - Math - Differential equations
1. Differential equations.
2. First order linear differential equations.
3. Second order linear differential equations.
4. Nonhomogeneous differential equations.
5. Laplace transforms.
6. Algebra of Laplace transforms.
7. Third and higher order linear differential equations.
2. First order linear differential equations.
3. Second order linear differential equations.
4. Nonhomogeneous differential equations.
5. Laplace transforms.
6. Algebra of Laplace transforms.
7. Third and higher order linear differential equations.
Monday, October 8, 2012
FE - Math - Integral calculus
1. Integration and operations.
2. Integration by parts.
3. Initial values.
4. Calculate area between functions.
5. Calculate arc length.
6. Surface area made by the revolution of line.
7. Volume made by revolution of line.
8. Fourier series.
9. Fast Fourier transforms.
10. Integral functions.
2. Integration by parts.
3. Initial values.
4. Calculate area between functions.
5. Calculate arc length.
6. Surface area made by the revolution of line.
7. Volume made by revolution of line.
8. Fourier series.
9. Fast Fourier transforms.
10. Integral functions.
FE - Math - Differential calculus
1. Derivative.
2. Derivative operations.
3. Partial differentiation.
4. Implicit differentiation.
5. Gradient vector.
6. Normal line vector.
7. Taylor's formula.
8. Common series.
2. Derivative operations.
3. Partial differentiation.
4. Implicit differentiation.
5. Gradient vector.
6. Normal line vector.
7. Taylor's formula.
8. Common series.
Sunday, October 7, 2012
FE- Math - Analytic geometry
1. Coordinate systems.
2. Geometric definitions.
3. Congruency.
4. Curves and symmetry of curves.
5. Lines.
6. Intersection of lines.
7. Plane.
8. Areas, distances, and angles.
9. Circle.
10. Parabola.
11. Ellipse.
12. Hyperbola.
13. Sphere.
2. Geometric definitions.
3. Congruency.
4. Curves and symmetry of curves.
5. Lines.
6. Intersection of lines.
7. Plane.
8. Areas, distances, and angles.
9. Circle.
10. Parabola.
11. Ellipse.
12. Hyperbola.
13. Sphere.
FE- Math - Trigonometry
1. Angle measurement units - degree and radians.
2. Angle in plane.
3. Triangles.
4. Graphs of functions.
5. Trigonometric functions.
6. Inverse trigonometric functions.
7. Hyperbolic functions.
8. Spherical trigonometry.
2. Angle in plane.
3. Triangles.
4. Graphs of functions.
5. Trigonometric functions.
6. Inverse trigonometric functions.
7. Hyperbolic functions.
8. Spherical trigonometry.
Saturday, October 6, 2012
FE - Math - Vectors
1. 2D vector and 3D vector.
2. Unit vector.
3. Vector operations - addition and multiplication with scalar.
4. Vector cross product.
5. Vector dot product.
6. Vector functions.
2. Unit vector.
3. Vector operations - addition and multiplication with scalar.
- Addition and substraction
- Dot product and scalar product
- Cross product and vector product
- Gradient
- Divergence
- Curl
- Identities
4. Vector cross product.
5. Vector dot product.
6. Vector functions.
Friday, October 5, 2012
FE - Math - Linear algebra
1. Matrix and matrix types.
2. Matrix operations - addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
3. Matrix determinants.
4. Matrix transpose.
5. Matrix singularity and rank.
6. Matrix inverse.
7. Linear equations in matrix forms.
8. Solving simultaneous linear equations by matrix.
9. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of matrix.
- Multiplication
- Addition
- Identity
- Transpose
- Inverse
- Determinants
2. Matrix operations - addition, subtraction, and multiplication.
3. Matrix determinants.
4. Matrix transpose.
5. Matrix singularity and rank.
6. Matrix inverse.
7. Linear equations in matrix forms.
8. Solving simultaneous linear equations by matrix.
9. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of matrix.
FE - Math - Algebra
1. Equations and roots.
3. Logarithms.
5. Complex numbers and operations.
6. Series and series convergence.
- Straight line
- Quadratic equation and roots
- Parabola
- Ellipse
- Hyperbola
- Circle
- Conic section equation
- Sphere
3. Logarithms.
- Base changing rule
- Identities
5. Complex numbers and operations.
6. Series and series convergence.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Road Map to FE
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Morning Afternoon
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----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
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Math Porb Chem Comp Eth Econ Mech Mat Fluid EE Mech Ther |
Chemical Civil EE Enviornemtal Industrial Mechanics Others
Monday, October 1, 2012
Angles, distances, and trigonometry - civil survey
In surveying, trigonometry is fundamental math. It is used to determine angle, distance, height, location.
1. The three basic functions are sin(theta), cos(theta), and tan(theta).
2. Law of sines.
3. Law of cosines.
4. Pythagorean theorem.
The most useful rules in surveying are Triangles Similar rules.
1. The three basic functions are sin(theta), cos(theta), and tan(theta).
2. Law of sines.
3. Law of cosines.
4. Pythagorean theorem.
The most useful rules in surveying are Triangles Similar rules.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Thermodynamics - FE Other Disciplines Engineering module
This part counts 15% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Thermodynamic properties.
This section includes entropy, enthalpy, and heat capacity.
2. Thermodynamic processes.
This section includes isothermal, adiabatic, reversible, and irreversible.
3. Equations of state.
This section includes ideal and real gases.
4. Conduction, convection, and radiation heat transfer.
5. Mass and energy balances.
6. Property and phase diagrams.
This section includes T-s and h-P.
7. Tables of thermodynamic properties.
8. Cyclic processes and efficiency.
This section includes refrigeration and power.
9. Phase equilibrium and phase change.
10. Thermodynamic equilibrium.
11. Combustion and combustion products.
This section includes CO, CO2, NOX, ash, and particulates.
12. Psychrometrics.
This section includes humidity.
1. Thermodynamic properties.
This section includes entropy, enthalpy, and heat capacity.
2. Thermodynamic processes.
This section includes isothermal, adiabatic, reversible, and irreversible.
3. Equations of state.
This section includes ideal and real gases.
4. Conduction, convection, and radiation heat transfer.
5. Mass and energy balances.
6. Property and phase diagrams.
This section includes T-s and h-P.
7. Tables of thermodynamic properties.
8. Cyclic processes and efficiency.
This section includes refrigeration and power.
9. Phase equilibrium and phase change.
10. Thermodynamic equilibrium.
11. Combustion and combustion products.
This section includes CO, CO2, NOX, ash, and particulates.
12. Psychrometrics.
This section includes humidity.
Electricity - FE Other Disciplines Engineering module
This part counts 12% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Equivalent circuits.
This section includes Norton and Thevenin.
2. AC circuits.
This section includes frequency domain.
3. Network analysis.
This section includes Kirchhoff laws.
4. RLC circuits.
5. Sensors and instrumentation.
6. Electrical machines.
1. Equivalent circuits.
This section includes Norton and Thevenin.
2. AC circuits.
This section includes frequency domain.
3. Network analysis.
This section includes Kirchhoff laws.
4. RLC circuits.
5. Sensors and instrumentation.
6. Electrical machines.
Fluids - FE Other Disciplines Engineering module
This part counts 15% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Basic hydraulics.
This section includes Manning equation, Bernoulli theorem, open-channel flow, and pipe flow.
2. Laminar and turbulent flow.
3. Friction losses.
This section includes pipes, valves, and fittings.
4. Flow measurement.
5. Dimensionless numbers.
This section includes Reynolds number.
6. Fluid transport systems.
This section includes pipes, ducts, series and parallel operations.
7. Pumps, turbines, and compressors.
8. Lift and drag.
1. Basic hydraulics.
This section includes Manning equation, Bernoulli theorem, open-channel flow, and pipe flow.
2. Laminar and turbulent flow.
3. Friction losses.
This section includes pipes, valves, and fittings.
4. Flow measurement.
5. Dimensionless numbers.
This section includes Reynolds number.
6. Fluid transport systems.
This section includes pipes, ducts, series and parallel operations.
7. Pumps, turbines, and compressors.
8. Lift and drag.
Engineering materials - FE Other Disciplines Engineering module
This part counts 11% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Properties of metals.
2. Properties of plastics.
3. Properties of composites.
4. Properties of concrete.
1. Properties of metals.
2. Properties of plastics.
3. Properties of composites.
4. Properties of concrete.
Application of engineering mechanics - FE Other Disciplines Engineering module
This part counts 13% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Stability analysis of beams, trusses, and frames.
2. Deflection analysis.
3. Failure theory.
This section includes static and dynamic.
4. Failure analysis.
This section includes creep, fatigue, fracture, and buckling.
1. Stability analysis of beams, trusses, and frames.
2. Deflection analysis.
3. Failure theory.
This section includes static and dynamic.
4. Failure analysis.
This section includes creep, fatigue, fracture, and buckling.
Engineering economics - FE Other Disciplines Engineering module
This part counts 5% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Cost estimating.
2. Project selection.
3. Lease, buy, and make.
4. Replacement analysis.
This section includes optimal economic life.
1. Cost estimating.
2. Project selection.
3. Lease, buy, and make.
4. Replacement analysis.
This section includes optimal economic life.
Biology - FE Other Disciplines Engineering module
This part counts 5% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Cellular biology.
This section includes structure, growth, and cell organization.
2. Toxicology.
This section includes human and environmental.
3. Industrial hygiene.
This section includes personnel protection equipment(PPE) and carcinogens.
4. Bioprocessing.
This section includes fermentation, waste treatment, and digestion.
1. Cellular biology.
This section includes structure, growth, and cell organization.
2. Toxicology.
This section includes human and environmental.
3. Industrial hygiene.
This section includes personnel protection equipment(PPE) and carcinogens.
4. Bioprocessing.
This section includes fermentation, waste treatment, and digestion.
Engineering probability and statistics - FE Other Disciplines Engineering module
This part counts 9% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Sample distributions and sizes.
2. Design of experiments.
3. Hypothesis testing.
4. Goodness of fit.
This section includes coefficient of correlation and chi square.
5. Estimation for two means.
This section includes point, confidence intervals.
1. Sample distributions and sizes.
2. Design of experiments.
3. Hypothesis testing.
4. Goodness of fit.
This section includes coefficient of correlation and chi square.
5. Estimation for two means.
This section includes point, confidence intervals.
Advanced engineering math - FE Other Disciplines Engineering module
This part counts 10% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Differential equations.
2. Partial differential calculus.
3. Numerical solutions.
This section includes differential equations and algebraic equations.
4. Linear algebra.
5. Vector analysis.
1. Differential equations.
2. Partial differential calculus.
3. Numerical solutions.
This section includes differential equations and algebraic equations.
4. Linear algebra.
5. Vector analysis.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Thermodynamics and energy conversion process - FE Mechanical Engineering module
This part counts 15% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Ideal and real gases.
2. Reversibility and irreversibility.
3. Thermodynamic equilibrium.
4. Psychrometrics.
5. Performance of components.
6. Cycles and processes.
This section includes Otto, Diesel, Brayton, and Rankine.
7. Combustion and combustion products.
8. Energy storage.
9. Congeneration and regeneration and reheat.
1. Ideal and real gases.
2. Reversibility and irreversibility.
3. Thermodynamic equilibrium.
4. Psychrometrics.
5. Performance of components.
6. Cycles and processes.
This section includes Otto, Diesel, Brayton, and Rankine.
7. Combustion and combustion products.
8. Energy storage.
9. Congeneration and regeneration and reheat.
Kinematics - FE Mechanical Engineering module
Kinematics - FE Mechanical Engineering module
This part counts 15% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Kinematics of mechanisms.
2. Dynamics of mechanisms.
3. Rigid body dynamics.
4. Natural frequency and resonance.
5. Performance of components.
6. Balancing of rotating and reciprocating equipment.
7. Forced vibrations.
This section includes isolation, force transmission, and support motion.
This part counts 15% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Kinematics of mechanisms.
2. Dynamics of mechanisms.
3. Rigid body dynamics.
4. Natural frequency and resonance.
5. Performance of components.
6. Balancing of rotating and reciprocating equipment.
7. Forced vibrations.
This section includes isolation, force transmission, and support motion.
Refrigeration and HVAC - FE Mechanical Engineering module
This part counts 10% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Cycles.
2. Heating and cooling loads.
This section includes degree day data, sensible heat, and latent heat.
3. Psychometric charts.
4. Components.
This section includes compressors, condensers, evaporators, and expansion valve.
1. Cycles.
2. Heating and cooling loads.
This section includes degree day data, sensible heat, and latent heat.
3. Psychometric charts.
4. Components.
This section includes compressors, condensers, evaporators, and expansion valve.
Heat transfer - FE Mechanical Engineering module
This part counts 10% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Conduction.
2. Convection.
3. Radiation.
4. Composite walls and insulation.
5. Transient and periodic processes.
6. Heat exchangers.
7. Boiling and condensation heat transfer.
1. Conduction.
2. Convection.
3. Radiation.
4. Composite walls and insulation.
5. Transient and periodic processes.
6. Heat exchangers.
7. Boiling and condensation heat transfer.
Fluid mechanics and fluid machinery - FE Mechanical Engineering module
This part counts 15% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Fluid statics.
2. Incompressible flow.
3. Fluid transport system.
This section includes pipes, ducts, series and parallel operations.
4. Fluid machines - incompressible.
This section includes turbines, pumps, and hydraulic motors.
5. Compressible flow.
6. Fluid machines - compressible.
This section includes turbines, compressors, and fans.
7. Operating characteristics.
This section includes fan laws, performance curves, efficiencies, work and power equations.
8. Lift and drag.
9. Impulse and momentum.
1. Fluid statics.
2. Incompressible flow.
3. Fluid transport system.
This section includes pipes, ducts, series and parallel operations.
4. Fluid machines - incompressible.
This section includes turbines, pumps, and hydraulic motors.
5. Compressible flow.
6. Fluid machines - compressible.
This section includes turbines, compressors, and fans.
7. Operating characteristics.
This section includes fan laws, performance curves, efficiencies, work and power equations.
8. Lift and drag.
9. Impulse and momentum.
Measurements, instrumentation, and controls - FE Mechanical Engineering module
This part counts 10% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Mathematical fundamentals.
This section includes Laplace transforms and differential equations.
2. System descriptions.
This section includes block diagrams, ladder logic, and transfer functions.
3. Sensors and signal conditioning.
This section includes strain, pressure, flow, force, velocity, displacement, and temperature.
4. Data collection and processing.
This section includes sampling theory, uncertainty, digital and analog, and data transmission rates.
5. Dynamic responses.
This section includes overshoot and time constant, poles and zeros, and stability.
6. Testing.
This section includes tensile, compression, and hardness.
1. Mathematical fundamentals.
This section includes Laplace transforms and differential equations.
2. System descriptions.
This section includes block diagrams, ladder logic, and transfer functions.
3. Sensors and signal conditioning.
This section includes strain, pressure, flow, force, velocity, displacement, and temperature.
4. Data collection and processing.
This section includes sampling theory, uncertainty, digital and analog, and data transmission rates.
5. Dynamic responses.
This section includes overshoot and time constant, poles and zeros, and stability.
6. Testing.
This section includes tensile, compression, and hardness.
Materials and processing - FE Mechanical Engineering module
This part counts 10% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Materials and thermal properties.
This section includes stress and strainrelationships, ductility, endurance, conductivity, and thermal expansion.
2. Manufacturing processes.
This section includes forming, machining, bending, casting, joining, and heat treating.
3. Materials selection.
This section includes metals, composites, ceramics, plastics, and bio-materials.
4. Thermal processing.
This section includes phase transformations and equilibrium.
5. Surface conditions.
This section includes corrosion, degradation, coating, and finishes.
6. Testing.
This section includes tensile, compression, and hardness.
1. Materials and thermal properties.
This section includes stress and strainrelationships, ductility, endurance, conductivity, and thermal expansion.
2. Manufacturing processes.
This section includes forming, machining, bending, casting, joining, and heat treating.
3. Materials selection.
This section includes metals, composites, ceramics, plastics, and bio-materials.
4. Thermal processing.
This section includes phase transformations and equilibrium.
5. Surface conditions.
This section includes corrosion, degradation, coating, and finishes.
6. Testing.
This section includes tensile, compression, and hardness.
Mechanical design and analysis - FE Mechanical Engineering module
This part counts 15% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Stress analysis.
This section includes combined stresses, torsion, normal, and shear.
2. Failure theories.
This section includes static, dynamic, and buckling.
3. Failure analysis.
This section includes creep, fatigue, fracture, and buckling.
4. Deformation and stiffness.
5. Components.
This section includes springs, pressure, vessels, beams, piping, columns, power screws, and bearings.
6. Power transmission.
This section includes belts, chains, clutches, gears, shafts, brakes, and axles.
7. Joining.
This section includes threaded fasteners, rivets, welds, and adhesives.
8. Manufacturability.
This section includes fits, tolerances, and process capability.
9. Quality and reliability.
10. Mechanical systems.
This section includes hydraulic, pneumatic, and electro-hybrid.
1. Stress analysis.
This section includes combined stresses, torsion, normal, and shear.
2. Failure theories.
This section includes static, dynamic, and buckling.
3. Failure analysis.
This section includes creep, fatigue, fracture, and buckling.
4. Deformation and stiffness.
5. Components.
This section includes springs, pressure, vessels, beams, piping, columns, power screws, and bearings.
6. Power transmission.
This section includes belts, chains, clutches, gears, shafts, brakes, and axles.
7. Joining.
This section includes threaded fasteners, rivets, welds, and adhesives.
8. Manufacturability.
This section includes fits, tolerances, and process capability.
9. Quality and reliability.
10. Mechanical systems.
This section includes hydraulic, pneumatic, and electro-hybrid.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Human factors productivity ergonomics and work design - FE Industrial Engineering module
This part counts 12% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Methods analysis and task analysis.
This section includes improvement and charting, MTM, AND MOST.
2. Time study.
This section includes time standard and allowance.
3. Workstation design.
4. Work sampling.
5. Learning curves.
6. Productivity measures.
7. Risk factor identification, safety, toxicology, material safety data sheets.
8. Environmental stress assessment.
This section includes noise, vibrations, heat, and computer-related.
9. Design of task, tools, displays, controls, user interfaces.
10. Anthropometry, biomechanics, and lifting.
1. Methods analysis and task analysis.
This section includes improvement and charting, MTM, AND MOST.
2. Time study.
This section includes time standard and allowance.
3. Workstation design.
4. Work sampling.
5. Learning curves.
6. Productivity measures.
7. Risk factor identification, safety, toxicology, material safety data sheets.
8. Environmental stress assessment.
This section includes noise, vibrations, heat, and computer-related.
9. Design of task, tools, displays, controls, user interfaces.
10. Anthropometry, biomechanics, and lifting.
Manufacturing and production systems - FE Industrial Engineering module
This part counts 13% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Manufacturing systems.
This section includes cellular, group technology, flexible, and lean.
2. Process design.
This section includes number of machines and people, equipment selection, and line balancing.
3. Inventory analysis.
This section includes EOQ and safety stock.
4. Forecasting.
5. Scheduling.
This section includes sequencing, cycle time, and material control.
6. Aggregate planning.
This section includes JIT, MRP, MRPII, and ERP.
7. Concurrent engineering and design for manufacturing.
8. Automation concepts.
This section includes robotics and CIM.
9. Economics.
This section includes profits and cost under various demand rates and machine selection.
1. Manufacturing systems.
This section includes cellular, group technology, flexible, and lean.
2. Process design.
This section includes number of machines and people, equipment selection, and line balancing.
3. Inventory analysis.
This section includes EOQ and safety stock.
4. Forecasting.
5. Scheduling.
This section includes sequencing, cycle time, and material control.
6. Aggregate planning.
This section includes JIT, MRP, MRPII, and ERP.
7. Concurrent engineering and design for manufacturing.
8. Automation concepts.
This section includes robotics and CIM.
9. Economics.
This section includes profits and cost under various demand rates and machine selection.
Industrial management - FE Industrial Engineering module
IndThis part counts 10% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Principles and tools of management.
This section includes MBO and re-engineering.
2. Organizational structure.
This section includes functional, matrix, and line and staff.
3. Motivation theories.
This section includes Maslow, Theory X and Theory Y.
4. Job evaluation and compensation.
5. Project management.
This section includes scheduling, PERT, and CPM.
1. Principles and tools of management.
This section includes MBO and re-engineering.
2. Organizational structure.
This section includes functional, matrix, and line and staff.
3. Motivation theories.
This section includes Maslow, Theory X and Theory Y.
4. Job evaluation and compensation.
5. Project management.
This section includes scheduling, PERT, and CPM.
Modeling and computation - FE Industrial Engineering module
This part counts 12% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Algorithm and logic development.
This section includes flow charts and pseudo-code.
2. Spreadsheets.
3. Databases.
This section includes types, information content, and relational.
4. Decision theory.
This section includes uncertainty, risk, utility, and decision trees.
5. Optimization modeling.
This section includes decision variables, objective functions and constraints.
6. Linear programming.
This section includes formulation, primal, dual, and graphical solution.
7. Math programming.
This section includes network, integer, dynamic, transportation, and assignment.
8. Stochastic models.
This section includes queuing, Markov, and reliability.
9. Simulation.
This section includes event, process, Monte Carlo sampling, random number generation, and steady-state vs. transient.
1. Algorithm and logic development.
This section includes flow charts and pseudo-code.
2. Spreadsheets.
3. Databases.
This section includes types, information content, and relational.
4. Decision theory.
This section includes uncertainty, risk, utility, and decision trees.
5. Optimization modeling.
This section includes decision variables, objective functions and constraints.
6. Linear programming.
This section includes formulation, primal, dual, and graphical solution.
7. Math programming.
This section includes network, integer, dynamic, transportation, and assignment.
8. Stochastic models.
This section includes queuing, Markov, and reliability.
9. Simulation.
This section includes event, process, Monte Carlo sampling, random number generation, and steady-state vs. transient.
Probability and statistics - FE Industrial Engineering module
This part counts 15% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Combinations.
This section includes combinations and permutations.
2. Probability distributions.
This section includes normal, binomial, and empirical.
3. Conditional probabilities.
4. Sampling distributions, sample sizes, and statistics.
This section includes central tendency and dispersion.
5. Estimation.
This section includes point estimates and confidence intervals.
6. Hypothesis testing.
7. Regression.
This section includes linear and multiple types.
8. System reliability.
This section includes single components, parallel, and series system.
9. Design of experiments.
This section includes ANOVA, and factorial designs.
This part counts 15% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Combinations.
This section includes combinations and permutations.
2. Probability distributions.
This section includes normal, binomial, and empirical.
3. Conditional probabilities.
4. Sampling distributions, sample sizes, and statistics.
This section includes central tendency and dispersion.
5. Estimation.
This section includes point estimates and confidence intervals.
6. Hypothesis testing.
7. Regression.
This section includes linear and multiple types.
8. System reliability.
This section includes single components, parallel, and series system.
9. Design of experiments.
This section includes ANOVA, and factorial designs.
Facilities and logistics - FE Industrial Engineering module
This part counts 12% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Flow measurement and analysis.
This section includes from and to charts and flow planning.
2. Layout.
This section includes types, distance metrics, planning, and evaluation.
3. Location analysis.
This section includes single facilities location, multiple facility location, and storage location within a facility.
4. Process capacity analysis.
This section includes number of machines and people, trade-offs.
5. Material handling capacity analysis.
This section includes storage and transport.
6. Supply chain design.
This section includes warehousing, transportation, and inventories.
1. Flow measurement and analysis.
This section includes from and to charts and flow planning.
2. Layout.
This section includes types, distance metrics, planning, and evaluation.
3. Location analysis.
This section includes single facilities location, multiple facility location, and storage location within a facility.
4. Process capacity analysis.
This section includes number of machines and people, trade-offs.
5. Material handling capacity analysis.
This section includes storage and transport.
6. Supply chain design.
This section includes warehousing, transportation, and inventories.
Quality - FE Industrial Engineering module
This part counts 11% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Total quality management theory and application.
This section includes Deming and Juran.
2. Management and planning tools.
This section includes fishbone, Pareto, quality function deployment, and scatter diagrams.
3. Control charts.
4. Process capability and specifications.
5. Sampling plans.
6. Design of experiments for quality improvement.
7. Auditing, ISO certification, and the Baldridge award.
1. Total quality management theory and application.
This section includes Deming and Juran.
2. Management and planning tools.
This section includes fishbone, Pareto, quality function deployment, and scatter diagrams.
3. Control charts.
4. Process capability and specifications.
5. Sampling plans.
6. Design of experiments for quality improvement.
7. Auditing, ISO certification, and the Baldridge award.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Engineering economics - FE Industrial Engineering module
This part counts 15% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Discounted cash flows.
This section includes equivalence, PW, EAC, FW, IRR, and loan amortization.
2. Types and breakdown of costs.
This section includes fixed, variable, direct and indirect labor, material and capitalized cost.
3. Analysis.
This section includes analysis of benefit-cost, breakeven, minimum cost, overhead, risk,incremental, and life cycle.
4. Accounting.
This section includes financial statements and overhead cost allocation.
5. Costing estimating.
6. Depreciation and taxes.
7. Capital budgeting.
1. Discounted cash flows.
This section includes equivalence, PW, EAC, FW, IRR, and loan amortization.
2. Types and breakdown of costs.
This section includes fixed, variable, direct and indirect labor, material and capitalized cost.
3. Analysis.
This section includes analysis of benefit-cost, breakeven, minimum cost, overhead, risk,incremental, and life cycle.
4. Accounting.
This section includes financial statements and overhead cost allocation.
5. Costing estimating.
6. Depreciation and taxes.
7. Capital budgeting.
Water resources - FE Environmental Engineering module
This part counts 25% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Water distribution and wastewater collection.
2. Water resources planning.
3. Hydrology and watershed processes.
4. Fluid mechanics and hydraulics.
1. Water distribution and wastewater collection.
2. Water resources planning.
3. Hydrology and watershed processes.
4. Fluid mechanics and hydraulics.
Water and wastewater engineering - FE Enviromemtal Engineering module
This part counts 30% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Water and wastewater.
2. Environmental microbiology and ecology.
3. Environmental chemistry.
1. Water and wastewater.
2. Environmental microbiology and ecology.
3. Environmental chemistry.
Air quality engineering - FE Environmental Engineering module
This part counts 15% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Air quality standards and control technologies.
2. Atmospheric sciences.
1. Air quality standards and control technologies.
2. Atmospheric sciences.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Solid and hazardous waste engineering - FE Environmemtal Engineering module
This part counts 15% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Solid waste engineering.
2. Hazardous waste engineering.
3. Site remediation.
4. Geohydrology.
5. Geotechnology.
1. Solid waste engineering.
2. Hazardous waste engineering.
3. Site remediation.
4. Geohydrology.
5. Geotechnology.
Environmental science and management - FE Environmental Engineering module
This part counts 15% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Industrial and occupational health and safety.
2. Radiological health and safety.
3. Radioactive waste management.
4. Environmental monitoring and sampling.
5. Pollutant fate and transport.
This section includes by air, water, and soil.
6. Pollution prevention and waste minimization.
7. Environmental management systems.
This part counts 15% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Industrial and occupational health and safety.
2. Radiological health and safety.
3. Radioactive waste management.
4. Environmental monitoring and sampling.
5. Pollutant fate and transport.
This section includes by air, water, and soil.
6. Pollution prevention and waste minimization.
7. Environmental management systems.
Signal processing - FE Electrical Engineering module
This part counts 8% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Analog and digital conversion.
2. Continuous and discrete convolution.
3. Difference equations.
4. Z-transforms.
1. Analog and digital conversion.
2. Continuous and discrete convolution.
3. Difference equations.
4. Z-transforms.
Power - FE Electrical Engineering module
This part counts 13% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. 3-phase.
2. Transmission lines.
3. Voltage regulation.
4. Delta and Wye.
5. Phasors.
6. Motors.
7. Power electronics.
8. Transformers.
1. 3-phase.
2. Transmission lines.
3. Voltage regulation.
4. Delta and Wye.
5. Phasors.
6. Motors.
7. Power electronics.
8. Transformers.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Electronics - FE Electrical Engineering module
This part counts 15% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Solid-state fundamentals.
This section includes tunneling, diffusion and drift current, energy bands, doping bands, and p-n theory.
2. Bias circuits.
3. Differential amplifiers.
4. Discrete devices and models and their performance.
This section includes diodes, transistors, BJT, and CMOS.
5. Operational amplifiers.
6. Filters.
This section focus on active type.
7. Instrumentation.
This section includes measurements, data acquisition, and transducers.
1. Solid-state fundamentals.
This section includes tunneling, diffusion and drift current, energy bands, doping bands, and p-n theory.
2. Bias circuits.
3. Differential amplifiers.
4. Discrete devices and models and their performance.
This section includes diodes, transistors, BJT, and CMOS.
5. Operational amplifiers.
6. Filters.
This section focus on active type.
7. Instrumentation.
This section includes measurements, data acquisition, and transducers.
Electromagnetics- FE Electrical Engineering module
This part counts 7% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Electrostatics and magnetostatics.
This section includes measurement of spatial relationships and vector analysis.
2. Wave propagation.
3. Transmission lines.
This section focus on high frequency part.
This part counts 7% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Electrostatics and magnetostatics.
This section includes measurement of spatial relationships and vector analysis.
2. Wave propagation.
3. Transmission lines.
This section focus on high frequency part.
Digital systems - FE Electrical Engineering module
This part counts 12% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Numbering systems.
2. Data path and control system design.
3. Boolean logic.
4. Counters.
5. Flip-flops.
6. Programmable logic device and gate arrays.
7. Logic gates and circuits.
8. Logic minimization.
This section includes SOP, POS, and Karnaugh maps.
9. State tables and diagrams.
10. Timing diagrams.
1. Numbering systems.
2. Data path and control system design.
3. Boolean logic.
4. Counters.
5. Flip-flops.
6. Programmable logic device and gate arrays.
7. Logic gates and circuits.
8. Logic minimization.
This section includes SOP, POS, and Karnaugh maps.
9. State tables and diagrams.
10. Timing diagrams.
Control systems - FE Electrical Engineering module
This part counts 10% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Block diagrams.
This section includes feed forward and feedback.
2. Bode plots.
3. Controller performance and steady-state errors.
4. Root locus.
5. Stability.
1. Block diagrams.
This section includes feed forward and feedback.
2. Bode plots.
3. Controller performance and steady-state errors.
4. Root locus.
5. Stability.
Computer systems - FE Electrical Engineering module
This part counts 10% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Architecture of computers.
This section includes pipeling and cache memory.
2. Interfacing.
3. Microprocessors.
4. Memory technology and systems.
5. Software design methods.
This section includes methods of structured, top-down, bottom-up, and object-oriented design.
6. Software implementation.
This section includes structured programming, algorithms, and data structures.
1. Architecture of computers.
This section includes pipeling and cache memory.
2. Interfacing.
3. Microprocessors.
4. Memory technology and systems.
5. Software design methods.
This section includes methods of structured, top-down, bottom-up, and object-oriented design.
6. Software implementation.
This section includes structured programming, algorithms, and data structures.
Communications - FE Electrical Engineering module
This part counts 9% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Basic modulation and demodulation concepts.
This section includes AM, FM, and PCM.
2. Fourier's transforms and Fourier series.
3. Sampling theorem.
4. Computer networks.
This section includes OSI model.
5. Multiplexing.
1. Basic modulation and demodulation concepts.
This section includes AM, FM, and PCM.
2. Fourier's transforms and Fourier series.
3. Sampling theorem.
4. Computer networks.
This section includes OSI model.
5. Multiplexing.
Circuits - FE Electrical Engineering module
This part counts 16% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. KCL, KVL.
2. Series and parallel equivalent circuits.
3. Node and loop analysis.
4. Thevenin and Norton theorems.
5. Impedance.
6. Transfer functions.
7. Frequency and transient response.
8. Resonance.
9. Laplace transforms.
10. 2-port theory.
11. Filters
- Basic electrical units;
- Coulombs - charge
- Volts - voltage
- Amperse - current
- Ohms - resistance and impedance
- Electrostatics
- Force between two chartges
- Electric field intensity
- point
- line
- sheet
- Electric flux density - Gauss' Law
- Work done by external agent
- Voltage
- Current
- constant current
- vector current
- Resistivity
- Ohm's Law
- Magnetic fields
- Induced voltage
2. Series and parallel equivalent circuits.
3. Node and loop analysis.
4. Thevenin and Norton theorems.
5. Impedance.
6. Transfer functions.
7. Frequency and transient response.
8. Resonance.
9. Laplace transforms.
10. 2-port theory.
11. Filters
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Safety health and enviromental - FE Chemical Engineering module
This part counts 5% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Hazardous properties of materials.
This section includes noise, PPE, and ergonomics.
2. Industrial hygiene.
This section includes time constants, 2nd order, and underdamped.
3. Process hazard analysis.
This section includes using fault-tree analysis and event tree.
4. Overpressure and underpressure protection.
This section includes relief, redundant control, and intrinsically safe.
5. Storage and handling.
This section includes inerting and spill containment.
6. Waste minimization.
7. Waste treatment.
This section includes air, water and solids.
1. Hazardous properties of materials.
This section includes noise, PPE, and ergonomics.
2. Industrial hygiene.
This section includes time constants, 2nd order, and underdamped.
3. Process hazard analysis.
This section includes using fault-tree analysis and event tree.
4. Overpressure and underpressure protection.
This section includes relief, redundant control, and intrinsically safe.
5. Storage and handling.
This section includes inerting and spill containment.
6. Waste minimization.
7. Waste treatment.
This section includes air, water and solids.
Process control - FE Chemical Engineering module
This part counts 5% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Sensors and control values.
This section includes controls on temperature and pressure.
2. Dynamics.
This section includes time constants, 2nd order, and underdamped.
3. Feedback and feedforward control.
4. Proportional, integral, and derivative (PID) controller concepts.
5. Cascade control.
6. Control loop design.
This section includes matching measured and manipulated variables.
7. Tuning PID controllers and stability.
This section includes Method of Ziegler-Nichols and Routh Test.
8. Open-loop and closed-loop transfer functions.
1. Sensors and control values.
This section includes controls on temperature and pressure.
2. Dynamics.
This section includes time constants, 2nd order, and underdamped.
3. Feedback and feedforward control.
4. Proportional, integral, and derivative (PID) controller concepts.
5. Cascade control.
6. Control loop design.
This section includes matching measured and manipulated variables.
7. Tuning PID controllers and stability.
This section includes Method of Ziegler-Nichols and Routh Test.
8. Open-loop and closed-loop transfer functions.
Computer usage in chemical engineering - FE Chemical Engineering module
This part counts 5% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Numerical methods and concepts.
This section includes convergence and tolerance.
2. Spreadsheet for chemical engineering calculation.
3. Statistical data analysis.
1. Numerical methods and concepts.
This section includes convergence and tolerance.
2. Spreadsheet for chemical engineering calculation.
3. Statistical data analysis.
Process design and economic optimization - FE Chemical Engineering module
This part counts 10% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Process flow diagrams (PFD).
2. Piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&ID).
3. Scale-up.
4. Comparison of economic alternatives.
This section includes net present value, discounted cash flow,and rate of return.
5. Cost estimate.
1. Process flow diagrams (PFD).
2. Piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&ID).
3. Scale-up.
4. Comparison of economic alternatives.
This section includes net present value, discounted cash flow,and rate of return.
5. Cost estimate.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Chemical reaction engineering - FE Chemical Engineering module
This part counts 10% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Reaction rates and order.
2. Rate constant.
3. Conversion, yield, and selectivity.
4. Series and parallel reactions.
5. Forward and reverse reactions.
6. Energy material balance around a reactor.
7. Reactions with volume change.
8. Reactor types.
9. Homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions.
10. Catalysis.
1. Reaction rates and order.
2. Rate constant.
3. Conversion, yield, and selectivity.
4. Series and parallel reactions.
5. Forward and reverse reactions.
6. Energy material balance around a reactor.
7. Reactions with volume change.
8. Reactor types.
9. Homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions.
10. Catalysis.
Mass transfer - FE Chemical Engineering module
This part counts 10% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Diffusion.
2. Mass transfer coefficient.
3. Equilibrium stage method.
4. Graphical methods.
5. Differential method.
This section is about NTU, HETP, HTU, AND NTP.
6. Separation systems.
This section is about distillation, absorption, extraction, and membrane processes.
7. Humidification and drying.
1. Diffusion.
2. Mass transfer coefficient.
3. Equilibrium stage method.
4. Graphical methods.
5. Differential method.
This section is about NTU, HETP, HTU, AND NTP.
6. Separation systems.
This section is about distillation, absorption, extraction, and membrane processes.
7. Humidification and drying.
Heat transfer - FE Chemical Engineering module
This part counts 10% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Conductive heat transfer.
2. Convective hat transfer.
3. Radiation heat transfer.
4. Heat transfer coefficients.
5. Heat exchanger types.
This section is about plate, frame, and spiral types.
6. Flow configuration.
7. Long mean temperature different(LMTD) and NTU.
8. Fouling.
9. Shell-and-tube heat exchanger design.
1. Conductive heat transfer.
2. Convective hat transfer.
3. Radiation heat transfer.
4. Heat transfer coefficients.
5. Heat exchanger types.
This section is about plate, frame, and spiral types.
6. Flow configuration.
7. Long mean temperature different(LMTD) and NTU.
8. Fouling.
9. Shell-and-tube heat exchanger design.
Fluid dynamics - FE Chemical Engineering module
This part counts 10% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Bernoulli equation and mechanical energy balance.
2. Hydrostatic pressure.
3. Dimensionless number.
4. Laminar and turbulent flow.
5. Velocity head.
6. Friction losses.
This section is about pipe, valves, and fittings.
7. Pipe networks.
8. Compressible and incompressible flow.
9. Flow measurement.
This section is about orifices and Venturi meters.
10. Pumps, turbines, and compressors.
11. Non-Newtonian flow.
12. Flow through packed beds.
1. Bernoulli equation and mechanical energy balance.
2. Hydrostatic pressure.
3. Dimensionless number.
4. Laminar and turbulent flow.
5. Velocity head.
6. Friction losses.
This section is about pipe, valves, and fittings.
7. Pipe networks.
8. Compressible and incompressible flow.
9. Flow measurement.
This section is about orifices and Venturi meters.
10. Pumps, turbines, and compressors.
11. Non-Newtonian flow.
12. Flow through packed beds.
Friday, September 21, 2012
Chemical engineering thermodynamics - FE Chemical Engineering module
This part counts 10% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Thermodynamic laws.
This section is about 1st Law and 2nd Law.
2. Thermodynamic properties.
This section is about internal energy, enthalpy, entropy, and free energy.
3. Thermodynamic processes.
This section is about isothermal, adiabatic, and isentropic.
4. Property and phase diagrams.
This section is about T-s, h-P, x-y, and T-x-y.
5. Equations of state.
This section is about van der Waals, Soave-Redlich-Kwong.
6. Steam table.
7. Phase equilibrium and phase change.
8. Chemical equilibrium.
9. Heats of reaction.
10. Cyclic processes and efficiency.
This section is about power, refrigeration, and heat pump.
11. Heats of mixing.
1. Thermodynamic laws.
This section is about 1st Law and 2nd Law.
2. Thermodynamic properties.
This section is about internal energy, enthalpy, entropy, and free energy.
3. Thermodynamic processes.
This section is about isothermal, adiabatic, and isentropic.
4. Property and phase diagrams.
This section is about T-s, h-P, x-y, and T-x-y.
5. Equations of state.
This section is about van der Waals, Soave-Redlich-Kwong.
6. Steam table.
7. Phase equilibrium and phase change.
8. Chemical equilibrium.
9. Heats of reaction.
10. Cyclic processes and efficiency.
This section is about power, refrigeration, and heat pump.
11. Heats of mixing.
FE Chemical Engineering module Material energy balances
This part counts 15% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Mass balance.
2. Energy balance.
3. Control boundary concept.
4. Steady-state process.
5. Unsteady process.
6. Recycle process.
7. Bypass process.
8. Combustion.
1. Mass balance.
2. Energy balance.
3. Control boundary concept.
4. Steady-state process.
5. Unsteady process.
6. Recycle process.
7. Bypass process.
8. Combustion.
FE Chemical Engineering module Chemistry
This part counts 10% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Inorganic chemistry.
This section includes molarity, normality, molarity, acids, bases, redox, valence, solubility product, pH, pK, and electrochemistry.
2. Organic chemistry.
This section includes nomenclature, structure, qualitative and quantitative analysis, balanced equations, reactions, and synthesis.
1. Inorganic chemistry.
This section includes molarity, normality, molarity, acids, bases, redox, valence, solubility product, pH, pK, and electrochemistry.
2. Organic chemistry.
This section includes nomenclature, structure, qualitative and quantitative analysis, balanced equations, reactions, and synthesis.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
FE Civil Engineering module Materials
This part counts 8% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Concrete mix design.
2. Asphalt.
3. Test methods.
This section is about steel, concrete, aggregates,and asphalt.
4. Properties of aggregates.
5. Engineering properties of metals.
1. Concrete mix design.
2. Asphalt.
3. Test methods.
This section is about steel, concrete, aggregates,and asphalt.
4. Properties of aggregates.
5. Engineering properties of metals.
FE Civil Engineering module Construction management
This part counts 10% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Procurement methods.
This section is about design-build, design-bid-build, and qualification based methods.
2. Allocation of resources.
This section is about labor, equipment, materials, money, and time.
3. Contracts and contract law.
4. Project scheduling.
This section is about CPM and PERT.
5. Engineering economics.
6. Project management.
This section is about owner, contractor, and client relationships. It is about safety also.
7. Construction estimating.
1. Procurement methods.
This section is about design-build, design-bid-build, and qualification based methods.
2. Allocation of resources.
This section is about labor, equipment, materials, money, and time.
3. Contracts and contract law.
4. Project scheduling.
This section is about CPM and PERT.
5. Engineering economics.
6. Project management.
This section is about owner, contractor, and client relationships. It is about safety also.
7. Construction estimating.
FE Civil Engineering module Structural design
This part counts 10% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Codes.
This section is about AISC, ACI, NDS, and AISI.
2. Design procedures for steel components.
This section is about steel beams, columns, beam-columns, tension members, and connections.
3. Design procedures for concrete components.
This section is about concrete beam, slabs, columns, walls, and footings.
1. Codes.
This section is about AISC, ACI, NDS, and AISI.
2. Design procedures for steel components.
This section is about steel beams, columns, beam-columns, tension members, and connections.
3. Design procedures for concrete components.
This section is about concrete beam, slabs, columns, walls, and footings.
FE Civil Engineering module Structural analysis
This part counts 10% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Force analysis.
This section is about forces on statically determinant beams, trusses, and frames.
2. Deflection analysis.
This section is about deflections on statically determinant beams, trusses, and frames.
3. Stability analysis of beams, trusses, and frames.
4. Column analysis.
This section is about column's buckling and boundary conditions.
5. Loads and load paths.
This section is about dead load, live load, and moving loads.
6. Elementary statically indeterminate structures.
1. Force analysis.
This section is about forces on statically determinant beams, trusses, and frames.
2. Deflection analysis.
This section is about deflections on statically determinant beams, trusses, and frames.
3. Stability analysis of beams, trusses, and frames.
4. Column analysis.
This section is about column's buckling and boundary conditions.
5. Loads and load paths.
This section is about dead load, live load, and moving loads.
6. Elementary statically indeterminate structures.
FE Civil Engineering module Transportation
This part counts 12% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Streets and highways.
This section is about geometric, pavement, and intersection design.
2. Traffic analysis and control.
This section is about safety, capacity, traffic flow, and traffic control devices.
1. Streets and highways.
This section is about geometric, pavement, and intersection design.
2. Traffic analysis and control.
This section is about safety, capacity, traffic flow, and traffic control devices.
FE Civil Engineering module Environmental Engineering
This part counts 12% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Water quality.
This section is about ground water and surface water.
2. Air quality.
3. Solid and hazardous waste.
4. Sanitary sewer system loads.
5. Basic tests.
This section is about tests of water, wastewater, and air.
6. Environmental regulations.
7. Water treatment and wastewater treatment.
This section is about primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment.
1. Water quality.
This section is about ground water and surface water.
2. Air quality.
3. Solid and hazardous waste.
4. Sanitary sewer system loads.
5. Basic tests.
This section is about tests of water, wastewater, and air.
6. Environmental regulations.
7. Water treatment and wastewater treatment.
This section is about primary, secondary, and tertiary treatment.
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
FE Civil Engineering module Soil Mechanics and Foundations
This part counts 15% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Index properties and soil classifications.
2. Phase relations.
This section is about air-water-solid.
3. Laboratory and field tests.
4. Effective stress.
5. Retaining walls.
This section includes active pressure/passive pressure.
6. Shear strength.
7. Bearing capacity.
This section includes cohesive and noncohensive.
8. Foundation types.
This section includes spread footings, piles, wall footings, and mats.
9. Consolidation and differential settlement.
10. Seepage.
11. Slope stability.
This section includes fills, embankments, cuts, and dams.
12. Soil stabilization.
This section includes chemical additives and geosynthetics.
1. Index properties and soil classifications.
2. Phase relations.
This section is about air-water-solid.
3. Laboratory and field tests.
4. Effective stress.
5. Retaining walls.
This section includes active pressure/passive pressure.
6. Shear strength.
7. Bearing capacity.
This section includes cohesive and noncohensive.
8. Foundation types.
This section includes spread footings, piles, wall footings, and mats.
9. Consolidation and differential settlement.
10. Seepage.
11. Slope stability.
This section includes fills, embankments, cuts, and dams.
12. Soil stabilization.
This section includes chemical additives and geosynthetics.
FE Civil Engineering module Hydraulics and Hydrologic Systems
This part counts 12% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Basic hydrology.
This section includes infiltration, rainfall, runoff, detention, flood flows, and watersheds.
2. Basic hydraulics.
This section includes Manning equation, Bernoulli theorem, open-channel flow, and pipe flow.
3. Pumping systems.
This section includes water and wastewater systems.
4. Municipal water distribution systems..
5. Reservoirs.
This section includes dams, routing, and spillways.
6. Groundwater.
This section includes flow, wells, and drawdown.
7. Sewer collection systems.
This section includes storm and sanitary systems.
1. Basic hydrology.
This section includes infiltration, rainfall, runoff, detention, flood flows, and watersheds.
2. Basic hydraulics.
This section includes Manning equation, Bernoulli theorem, open-channel flow, and pipe flow.
3. Pumping systems.
This section includes water and wastewater systems.
4. Municipal water distribution systems..
5. Reservoirs.
This section includes dams, routing, and spillways.
6. Groundwater.
This section includes flow, wells, and drawdown.
7. Sewer collection systems.
This section includes storm and sanitary systems.
FE Civil Engineering module Surveying
This part counts 11% of afternoon points based on NCEES FE Supplied-Reference Handbook, 8th edition, 2nd revision.
1. Angles, distances, and trigonometry.
2. Area computations.
3. Closures.
4. Coordinate systems.
5. Curves.
6. Earthwork and volume computations.
7. Leveling.
1. Angles, distances, and trigonometry.
2. Area computations.
3. Closures.
4. Coordinate systems.
5. Curves.
6. Earthwork and volume computations.
7. Leveling.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
FE Other Discipline Engineering module in the afternoon session
------------------------------------ ---------------------------------
Math Porb Chem Comp Chemical Civil EE
Eth Econ Mech Mat Fluid Environmental Industrial
EE Mech Ther Mechanics Others
1. Advanced engineering mathematics.
2. Engineering probability and statistics.
3. Biology.
4. Engineering economics.
5. Application of engineering mechanics.
6. Engineering materials.
7. Fluids.
8. Electricity and magnetism.
9. Thermodynamics and heat transfer.
FE Mechanical Engineering module in the afternoon session
------------------------------------ ---------------------------------
Math Porb Chem Comp Chemical Civil EE
Eth Econ Mech Mat Fluid Environmental Industrial
EE Mech Ther Mechanics Others
1. Mechanical design and analysis.
2. Kinematics, dynamics, and vibrations.
3. Materials and processing.
4. Measurements, instrumentation, and controls.
5. Thermodynamics and energy conversion processes.
6. Fluid mechanics and fluid machinery.
7. Heat transfer.
8. Refrigeration and HVAC.
FE Industrial Engineering module in the afternoon session
------------------------------------ ---------------------------------
Math Porb Chem Comp Chemical Civil EE
Eth Econ Mech Mat Fluid Environmental Industrial
EE Mech Ther Mechanics Others
1. Engineering economics.
2. Probability and statistics.
3. Modeling and computation.
4. Industrial management.
5. Manufacturing and production systems.
6. Facilities and logistics.
7. Human factors, productivity, ergonomics, and work design.
8. Quality.
FE Environmental Engineering module in the afternoon session
------------------------------------ ---------------------------------
Math Porb Chem Comp Chemical Civil EE
Eth Econ Mech Mat Fluid Environmental Industrial
EE Mech Ther Mechanics Others
1. Water resources.
2. Water and wastewater engineering.
3. Air quality engineering.
4. Solid and hazardous waste engineering.
5. Environmental science and management.
FE Electrical Engineering module in the afternoon session
------------------------------------ ---------------------------------
Math Porb Chem Comp Chemical Civil EE
Eth Econ Mech Mat Fluid Environmental Industrial
EE Mech Ther Mechanics Others
1. Circuits.
2. Power.
3. Electromagnetics.
4. Control system.
5. Communications.
6. Signal processing.
7. Electronics.
8. Digital systems.
9. Computer systems.
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